
Thieves Home Cleaning Kit

Oh yes! You need this new kit if your are transitioning your home from chemicals to all natural cleaning! The kit includes Thieves® Household Cleaner and Thieves®, Purification®, and Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blends—along with Lemon and Pine essential oils, a stainless-steel cleaning bucket, a glass spray bottle, and a natural-fiber cleaning cloth. It also includes cleaning recipes for your entire home, making it a wonderful introduction to cleaning with essential oils. Already a member? Log into your account and put in your order. Not a member? You can pay Retail (that's just crazy talk!) or you can become a Wholesale Member like me and get this at a discount! Talk to me if your ready to sign up for Young Living and change your life!  Until next time, Michelle Join me on: Instagram Twitter Facebook

Essential Oil Diffuser Locket Necklace

Do you love pretty designs in your jewelry?  Why not have a beautiful silver necklace that also serves as a diffuser for your Essential Oils?  I could easily see adding some Ylang Ylang oil to this little beauty for an all natural perfume or Thieves to help battle those nasty germs floating around out there? Pick up this little pretty for $31.58 Retail or join my Tribe and get this little gem for $24.00 Wholesale.  Ready to buy?  Just click on the button at the top of my blog and sign up as a Retail or Wholesale member! Until Tomorrow, Michelle Join me on: Instagram Twitter Facebook

Kid Scents Oil Spring Set

I'm a little excited about this new Spring Set.  My kids love their Essential Oils and I'm always looking for cute ways for them to wear them out and about.  Young Living has this super cute little bracelet with the KidScents GeneYus Oil to help finish out the school year strong! KidScents GeneYus Oils assists with keeping your kiddo's spirits uplifted and inspired.  And seriously, how cute is the bracelet??  You can pay $59.87 Retail for this cute set or join Young Living today and get it for the Wholesale price of $45.50!  Ready to join my tribe??  Click on that button at the top of my Blog and you will be sent straight to my page to sign up!  Super easy! Until tomorrow! Michelle Join me on: Instagram Twitter Facebook

Beauty DIY Booklet Set

Beauty products are one of those hazardous zones when you start reading the ingredient list.  If you use the Think Dirty app, you know that most of them come in at 9 or 10 on the toxicity rank.  So dangerous!  Young Living is now offering a Beauty DIY Booklet Set.   The set includes: Beauty DIY Booklet 15 ml Cedarwood 15 ml Lavender Make up Bag There is nothing better than making your own beauty products and knowing exactly whats in it and if its safe for your skin!  Get started today with Young Living's Beauty DIY Booklet set for $32.89 Retail.  Or join Young Living as a member and get this kit for the Wholesale Price of $25.00.   Until tomorrow, Michelle Join me on: Instagram Twitter Facebook

Essential Rewards Unboxing!

I got my Young Living Essential Rewards order yesterday and I was able to finally get it open.  My delay was because my husband wanted to do an unboxing on his YouTube Channel!  YL Essential Oils help him out a LOT with his focus and patience in the gaming world.  Plus the Thieves assists in keeping the germs away.  But Thieves wasn't in the order this month ironically and another Essential Oils was...for my daughter's Birth Kit.  LOL What did I get? Cypress- Cypress is an emotional oil.  It eases the feeling of loss and creates a sense of security and grounding.  Also helps heal emotional trauma, calms, soothes anger and help life flow better.  Who doesn't need that?  It also was recommended to use on my pregnant daughters swollen feet.  She works long days at a Veterinary Practice and comes home with seriously swollen feet. Fennel-  Fennel is an oil that is going into the Birth Kit for my daughter.  It helps ...

Water Bottle & Citrus Fresh Vitality

Remember yesterday when I told you about the Citrus Vitality Set?  Well this glass Water Bottle with Citrus Fresh would make a great pairing!  Citrus Oils can eat right through plastic or pull out the chemicals that are used in the plastic.  We don't want to drink that nasty stuff.  Young Living's glass Water Bottle takes care of that problem for you.  Beautiful bottle you'll be proud to show off at the gym. Includes: Water bottle Citrus Fresh Vitality Retail price for the Water Bottle and Citrus Fresh Vitality is $25.99.  Wholesale Members get this great set for under $20!  Not a member yet, click on the tab at the top of my blog, Join my Young Living Team and sign up.  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!  Talk with you tomorrow, Michelle Join me on: Instagram Twitter Facebook

Citrus Vitality Set

Hmmm, the Citrus Vitality Set is deliciousness in a box!  All three of the these essential oils are in our Vitality line which means they are perfectly safe to consume.  Add one to two drops of these amazing oils in your water or tea. Easy peasy, and your off for the day feeling refreshed.   Includes: Lemon Vitality Orange Vitality Grapefruit Vitality You can purchase the Citrus Vitality Set for a retail price of $23.68 or join today and get the Wholesale price of $18.00.  I'm kinda liking that under $20 option!  Super easy to become a Wholesale Member.  Just go to the top of my blog and click Join My Young Living Team!   See you tomorrow! Michelle Join me on: Instagram Twitter Facebook